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Federal Privacy Agencies

In the United States, a harassing phone call is any call wherein the caller uses threatening or obscene language, or when he calls and hangs up repeatedly, remains silent or when the call is answered, breaths heavily or plays music or a message from the other end. These calls are illegal and can be prosecuted in civil or criminal court. If these calls threaten bodily harm or death, you have the right to contact the appropriate federal privacy agencies to protect yourself. The FTC, FBI and your local police department are all viable agencies you can contact.

Unsolicited calls from telemarketing agencies could be construed as harassment if they persistently disturb your peace. Most telemarketing calls are made by automated systems. The telemarketer relies on a list and a database to make these telemarketing calls to any potential client. The easiest method of preventing these telemarketing calls is to get one's phone number removed from this list. A person should be aware that it is illegal for any telemarketing company to call before 8am and after 9pm. The national Do Not Call Register will not get rid of calls that are made to a person from charitable organizations, political bodies or any other organization that the person may have a relationship with.

In the case of unsolicited and harassing phone calls, you can resort to any number of federal privacy agencies that offer online phone protection and privacy tips. The Federal Privacy Act of 1974 empowers all citizens to protect and safeguard their privacy. It stops solicitations past certain hours and allows individuals to purse the matter in a court of law. Whether it is the FTC or the FBI, you can glean a host of valuable tips for protecting your privacy. At Reverse Phone Check, we are just as concerned with your privacy as you are. 

Filing a complaint is not a time-consuming affair. With regards to the FTC, you simply lodge your complaint online, giving specifics about the call, what was said, and the time of the call. With regards to life-threatening calls, you will have to call the FBI and fill out a complaint. Moreover, the FBI will send an agent to interview you, collect evidence, and flesh out the case. Death threats are a serious matter. Never take them lightly and always act on them as if they were real. Indeed, the FBI switchboard may contact your local police department, who will then send officers to fill out a report and collect evidence.

You can use our reverse search function here at Reverse Phone Check to trace or identify the caller. This can be invaluable to law enforcement agencies and can build your case by providing key evidence. Many telemarketers or prank callers think they can get away with harassment because their numbers are blocked or unidentified. With Reverse Phone Check you can trace, identify, and locate any caller, anywhere in the world.

Links to Useful Privacy Websites

The proliferation of  federal privacy agencies make it possible to prosecute harassing phone calls. Online searches have become one of the most dependable and convenient search options and since it all about the online federal privacy agencies, below there are some useful links for privacy websites.

The helpful privacy websites safeguard phone consumers and their privacy rights. These websites offer useful tips on consumer awareness and hence guard consumers from harassing and disturbing calls. One can search for the consumer category and thus get relevant information and service tips. The following websites provide phone privacy tips to consumers and hence one can resort to them for getting valuable information.


Telephone harassment is illegal. Never hesitate to report harassment and always act quickly in the case of a death threat. Stop telemarketing calls and prevent fraudulent practices exercised by them. The laws of the United States have many provisions to safeguard the rights and privacy of phone consumers so that they can enjoy the services of telecommunication in peace and without disturbance. Accessing online federal agencies for phone protection and privacy can also enable one to get peace of mind and prevent unwanted callers from harassing them. Federal Privacy websites help consumers with the sole objective of protecting them and one can resort to them with confidence and faith.